About BizzNav.io

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Where do you steer and what obstacles do you encounter along the way? What are alternative routes and which route do you choose based on which considerations?

Integral insight into the goals of the organization, the composition of the portfolio, the feasibility of the parallel change initiatives (programs, projects, agile activities, innovations, resources, dependencies, etc.) and the impact of these changes; this puts you in charge of achieving your goals, given limited resources and resources, optimally and as efficiently as possible.

Portfolio Management is not a tool, it is a process. However, without a tool, there is no effective portfolio management process. It’s simple too complex! We offer you an integrated solution and with that we unburden you in the next step towards professionalizing your portfolio management.

BizzNav and SPM (Strategic Portfolio Management) are applicable to any type of company in any industry and of any size, where more than 10 projects/initiatives are active simultaneously.


By using a way of working and supporting tools based on architecture, we help companies to make decisions based on facts and insight into the effects.

Our customers say


“Oh so we really have to prioritize now? “

member of the board

“I now see the real contribution of the Agile way of working…”

Piet Jansma
Piet Jansman

“Grip on business, gives me the control I'm looking for and the room to change”

Angelique kneuterboer
Angelique Groot

“As a supervisor, I now have more insight into the integral facts and decision-making”

Bryan Hoffman

Tell us your Portfolio challenge

If you haven't been able to figure it out yourself for a while, challenge us!

Make an appointment for sparring or a demo right away.

men programming

Significant savings on your portfolio budget

  • Domino effect of decision making is prevented.
  • Advice on scaling up and/or downscaling Agile teams can be discussed.
  • Target architecture development can be made visible and linked to initiatives.
  • Traceability and transparency of portfolio decisions is guaranteed.